BIM -A General Intro

**Certified CMD-LBE of San Francisco (CMD021910059)01** BIM can be defined as a process which involves digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of different places. BIM which stands for Building information modeling helps in decision making about build assets. Building information modeling has become quite popular over the last two decades and are being extensively used in the construction industry. A brief history It was the 1970s, since the concept of BIM has existed. The term ‘building model’ came into existence in the 80s. The actual term came into vogue in 1992. It was in the year that ArchiCAD became the first implemented BIM solution. Traditionally building design relied on two dimensional drawings. BIM changed this all. It is not only involves 3D spatial dimension , but ‘time’ is used as a fourth dimension. It also defines spatial relationship like light analysis, quantities and geographic inform...